
Scaphocephaly is a cranial deformity consisting of a narrow, tall and elongated head due to transverse flattening and elongation in the anterior-posterior direction.

It occurs more frequently in premature and ex-premature babies.

It also affects children who sleep with their heads flat and on their sides (temporo-parietal region).

Scaphocephaly may be merely positional or the result of craniosynostosis due to premature fusion of the sagittal suture of the skull, in which case surgery is the most effective solution.

If you are reading this page, you may find it interesting to read about craniosynostosis and other skull deformities

The following features are characteristic of Scaphocephaly :

View from above

  • The head is long and narrow

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  • The head is longer in distance at the front than at the back.

Front view

  • The head is long and narrow
  • The forehead is elongated

Bottom view

  • the head is narrow
  • the forehead is square

Not sure if your baby has scaphocephaly?

If you want to know more about how to identify if your baby has a scaphocephaly, or other cranial deformity this guide can help you distinguish the main distinguishing features of the main cranial deformities.

Premature babies are more likely to suffer from scaphocephaly due to the relative macrocephaly they present and the lack of tone in the cervical musculature

Treatment for Scaphocephaly

If your baby is between 4 and 18 months old, the best treatment for scaphocephaly is a dynamic head band (cranial orthosis).

The treatment consists of using a custom-made orthopedic helmet to take advantage of the growth of the head and thus correct the deformity.

  • the hull exerts a restraint on the front and rear protrusions
  • so that the head grows through the unrestrained side parts free from restraint

The treatment requires a series of regular visits to the specialist, who will make modifications to the helmet, depending on the growth of the skull.

This treatment is possible thanks to the fact that the fontanelles are more or less open during the first 2 years of life fontanelles of the skull are more or less open during the first 2 years of life, enough to be able to remodel the lost shape.

Orthopedic helmet for Scaphocephaly DOC Band@
DOC Band® Scaphocephaly Orthopedic Helmet for Scaphocephaly

The cranial index of babies affected by this cranial deformation is usually below 70 and in severe cases below 60. They usually present the same neurological evolutionary problem as premature babies.

Cases of scaphocephaly due to early fusion of the sagittal suture of the skull, which is usually accompanied by compensatory frontal and occipital bulging and does not improve with the passage of time, requires surgical interventionif possible before 6 months of age.

DOC Band® is a dynamic cranial orthopedic band that was launched on the international market in 1986 and has treated more than 300,000 cases of plagiocephaly and other cranial deformities, such as scaphocephaly and brachycephaly.

With more than 35 years of experience, Dr. Pinyot’s medical team Dr. Pinyot’s team has treated more than 4,000 cases of cranial deformities.

Learn more about treatment for scaphocephaly.

Not all orthotic helmets are the same

Doc Band® is an orthopaedic helmet that has been scientifically proven to be effective. Here are the scientific articles:


In addition, Dr Pinyot and his team have more than 35 years of experience and have treated over 4.200 cases of skull deformities.

Scapocephaly treatment results

These images show the results of treatment for scaphocephaly with the DOC Band®.

scaphocephaly baby
Before and after DOC Band® treatment
baby with scaphocephaly
Before and after 2 months of DOC Band® treatment - 3 months old



Dr. Joan Pinyot Garròs (en adelante, “European Craniofacial Medical Center”)


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Dr. Joan Pinyot Garròs (en adelante, “European Craniofacial Medical Center”)


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