Helmet therapy

with DOC Band®

For the treatment of plagiocephaly, brachycephaly, scaphocephaly or other cranial deformities, it is advisable:

  • Visit a specialist
  • Up to 4 months of age, repositioning (sleeping on the side) can help in the treatment of cranial deformities.
  • From 4 months onwards, the use of a DOC Band® orthopedic helmet is the most effective solution.

The length of treatment will depend on the age of your baby and the severity of the condition.

Initiating treatment between 4 and 6 months of age (a period of rapid head growth) has been shown to reduce total treatment time, although marked improvement can be achieved by using the band up to 18 months of age. . Most treatments last between 6 and 16 weeks .

The DOC Band® orthotic helmet for plagiocephaly, actually an orthopedic helmet that is used for the treatment of.
cranial deformities:

tratamiento plagiocefalia

Treatment of skull deformities

If your baby is between 4 and 18 months old, the best treatment for plagiocephaly is a dynamic head band (cranial orthosis).

The treatment consists of using a custom-made orthopedic helmet to take advantage of the growth of the head and thus correct the deformity.

  • the hull exerts a restraint on prominent areas
  • so that the head grows through the unrestrained parts free of restraint

The treatment requires a series of regular visits to the specialist, who will make modifications to the helmet, depending on the growth of the skull.


tratamiento plagiocefalia

This treatment is possible thanks to the fact that the fontanelles of the skull are more or less open during the first 2 years of life, enough to be able to remodel the lost shape.

The DOC Band® orthopedic helmet treatment is made of a plastic material, is lightweight, non-allergenic and very well tolerated by pediatric patients.

From 6 months of age, if the deformity has not been corrected with postural treatments, the only solution may be the cranial orthopedic band , orthopedic helmet or cranial orthosis.

Before the age of 12 months is when the best results are obtained with the use of the DOC BAND corrective helmet. 

In any case, if you observe any type of deformity in your baby’s head, go to your pediatrician or a specialist in the treatment of cranial deformities for a correct diagnosis and corrective treatment.

Its use must be daily and constant. It is only removed for bathing, grooming, neck exercises, and dressing.

treatment for plagiocephaly
Headgear for plagiocephaly and other cranial deformities

Our view about other teraphies

In the United States and also in Europe, discussions about the use of active bands or passive bands are frequent in parent forums, about which ones are more useful and more appropriate for the treatment of small patients.

The concept of active (or dynamic) band is well defined in the scientific articles published by Cranial Technologies Inc. (see articles from 1994 and 1998) and it is simply to act on some key points of the deformed skull applying the mechanics of three-dimensional correction of translation and remodeling of the bones of the base and the cranial vault based on an anatomical model that is as natural and normal as possible possible.

The passive bands criterion is based on relying on the passive growth of the skull, leaving free spaces that act as a discharge splint.

There is no account of results in the treatment of cranial deformities in babies with passive or local bands.

Basically, the only articles published in international scientific journals on the results of orthopedic treatments for plagiocephaly correspond to prospective studies carried out with the active dynamic band DOC Band®.

doc band helmet therapy

Cranial Technologies
 has 86 authorized centers in the Americas and Europe.



Dr. Joan Pinyot Garròs (en adelante, “European Craniofacial Medical Center”)


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Dr. Joan Pinyot Garròs (en adelante, “European Craniofacial Medical Center”)


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