Plagiocephaly Treatment

- flat head syndrome -

Plagiocephaly is a cranial deformity consisting of a flattening of the back of the head, usually on the right side and more frequent in boys than in girls, that it can be accompanied by a displacement of the same side of the head forward. This deformity is also known as flat head syndrome. In this page we shall discuss how to detect plagiocephaly and how to proceed for plagiocephaly treatment.

The forehead on the flattened side may be more domed, the eye on the same side may be more open, and the ear may be more forward compared to the other side.

In the most severe cases, the asymmetry of the axes of the head is greater than 20 millimeters.


View from above

  • The head is flattened either on the right or left rear side.
  • ears are not aligned

Profile view

  • One ear is closer to the shoulder than the other
  • One part of the head is curvier than the other

Front view

  • One eye is smaller than the other
  • One cheek is smaller than the other
  • The top of the head is not flat
  • Head height is not level
  • The mouth is not symmetrical

View from below

  • The forehead is tilted
  • The face is tilted and appears deviated
  • The eyes and ears are not aligned
  • One cheek appears larger than the other

Not sure if your baby has plagiocephaly? He may have another cranial deformity.

This guide can help you know if your baby has plagiocephaly

plagiocephaly treatment

Main causes

The majority of infants with plagiocephaly have a common cause, either a CMT or congenital muscular torticollis or habit of sleeping habitually on the same side.

Plagiocephaly is less serious than it may seem at first glance, but if it is not treated properly it can cause serious problems in the future development of the baby.

Learn more at more about the causes of plagiocephaly.

The increase of the pathology

Plagiocephaly has gained a lot of media attention in recent years. While theBack to Sleep”The 1990s may have successfully reduced the incidence of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), although this resulted in many children being left with misshapen heads.

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If not treated properly, this cranial deformity can cause asymmetries of the face (basically a midline obliquity) in the course of the first years and if the orthopedic correction of the deformity is not done before the first six months of life can persist into adult life. Find out more about consequences of plagiocephaly.

Retrospective and prospective scientific studies indicate that plagiocephaly causes functional problems in 40% of those affected and speech learning problems at 3 years of age in 25% of those affected. We invite you to read the section detailing the consequences of untreated cranial deformities.

baby with plagiocephaly
Orthopedic helmet for Plagicocephaly DOC Band@


According to Aliyah Mawji, RN, of the Canadian Pediatric Society, in her article “The incidence of positional plagiocephaly: a cohort study” , “The incidence of plagiocephaly in infants aged 7 to 12 weeks has been estimated at 46. 6%. Of the total number of infants with plagiocephaly, 63.2 % were affected on the right side and 78.3 % had a mild form. “

Treatment of plagiocephaly

If your baby is between 4 and 18 months old, the best treatment for plagiocephaly is a dynamic head band (cranial orthosis).

The treatment consists of using a custom-made orthopedic helmet to take advantage of the growth of the head and thus correct the deformity.

  • the hull exerts a restraint on prominent areas
  • so that the head grows through the unrestrained parts free of restraint

plagiocephaly treatment

The treatment requires a series of regular visits to the specialist, who will make modifications to the helmet, depending on the growth of the skull.

This treatment is possible thanks to the fact that the fontanelles of the skull are more or less open during the first 2 years of life are more or less open during the first 2 years of life, enough to be able to remodel the lost shape.

The treatment has an average duration of 4 months. It is advisable to treat plagiocephaly as early as possible.

With the use of the dynamic orthopedic helmet DOC Band® the treatment of plagiocephaly is easy, safe and comfortable for your child.

Learn more at more about the helmet teraphy.

The DOC Band® orthopedic helmet has enabled the recovery of more than 300,000 babies worldwide. 


Not all orthopaedic helmets are the same

Doc Band® is an orthopaedic helmet that has been scientifically proven to be effective. Here are the scientific articles:

In addition, Dr Pinyot and his team have more than 35 years of experience and have treated over 4.200 cases of skull deformities.

Results of plagiocephaly treatment

Images below show the results DOC Band® helmet therapy as plagiocephaly treatment. 

tratamiento plagiocefali
Before and after 1 month of treatment - 6 months of age
tratamiento plagiocefalia
Before and after 2.5 months of treatment - 4 months of age
tratamiento plagiocefalia
Before and after 2.5 months of treatment - 4 months of age
tratamiento plagiocefalia
Before and after 2.5 and a half months of treatment - 6 months old
tratamiento plagiocefalia
Before and after 3 months of treatment - 6 months of age



Dr. Joan Pinyot Garròs (en adelante, “European Craniofacial Medical Center”)


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Dr. Joan Pinyot Garròs (en adelante, “European Craniofacial Medical Center”)


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