On this page you will find pictures showing the results of the helmet therapy  with the DOC Band® orthopedic helmet for plagiocephaly, brachycephaly, scaphocephaly


helmet therapy
DOC Band® orthopedic helmet


Treatment results for Plagiocephaly

plagiocephaly treatment results
Before and after 1 month of treatment - 6 months of age
Before and after 2.5 months of treatment - 4 months of age
Before and after 2.5 months of treatment - 4 months of age
Before and after 2.5 and a half months of treatment - 6 months old
Before and after 3 months of treatment - 6 months of age

Treatment results for Brachycephaly

Before (CI 104.01) and after (CI 90)
Before (CI 97.79) and after (CI 87.40) 2 months treatment - Age: 6 months
Before (CI 100.69) and after (CI 90.50) - Age: 9 months
Before (CI 96.90) and after (CI 86.70) 1.5 months of treatment - Age: 4 months
Before (CI 101.52) and after (CI 87.50) 2 months treatment - Age:6 months
brachycephaly treatment results
Before (CI 107.63) and after (CI 93.33) 6 months of treatment - Age: 6 months

Treatment results for Scapocephaly

scaphocephaly treatment results
Before and after treatment
Before and after 2 months of treatment - 3 months of age


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