From the pure patterns of cranial deformities (Plagiocephaly, Brachycephaly and Scaphocephaly) there are endless varieties resulting from the mixture of several of them in varying degrees . For obvious reasons, simple deformities respond better to orthopedic treatment than more complex ones.
Complex positional cranial deformities
By the sum of two simple basic deformities. Due to deviations in different planes (axial, sagittal and coronal). Because they are accompanying deformities to craniosynostosis.
Plagiocephaly + Scaphocephaly
Trigonocephaly + Brachycephaly + Plagiocephaly
Brachycephaly + Plagiocephaly
Obstetric cranial deformities and variants of normality
Deformities due to childbirth usually disappear within a few weeks of life. In case of persistence we have to think that the deformity has another cause.
Calcified cephalohematoma
Clover-shaped skull
Truncated cone shaped skull
Deformities due to disease, tumors or trauma
After use of tissue expanders due to skin burn
Iatrogenic deformities
Hydrocephalus in myelomeningocele, non-functioning valve