What causes craniosynostosis?

Surely many of you have wondered what causes craniosynostosis . This phenomenon occurs when there is an early closure or fusion of one or several cranial sutures and, failing that, a congenital malformation is created due to the fact that some of the baby’s skull bones fuse earlier than normal.

Normally the sutures are closed around three years of age, although it can occur in the first months of life and this is when malformations are created in newborn babies.

Early suturing of the skull bones can cause severe problems and malformations appear in its structure. This can also cause problems in the functioning of the brain and can generate intracranial pressure when the brain is growing and that would have serious consequences for the baby.

This case can occur in one in two thousand newborns and usually occurs in male babies.


What is the cause of craniosynostosis?

The cause is unknown in most cases. Sometimes it appears occasionally and usually affects a single suture. Other times it may be due to other diseases, and several sutures may be affected.

How is craniosynostosis manifested?

Some craniosynostoses are clearly seen at the birth of the baby and other times they evolve in the first months.

What is the treatment of craniosynostosis?

The treatment of craniosynostosis is through surgery. The operation should be performed before the baby reaches the first year of age because the bones harden little by little and it may be more difficult in the long run to correct this malformation.

This type of intervention is not only given for aesthetic reasons, but is also due to other complications that could cause a premature closure of the skull bones that could be dangerous for the child’s brain and after the child’s life. That is why it is very important that if you have any doubts, you consult a specialist in the sector who can carry out a review of the child.

Many times these cranial malformations in babies can be due to other types of deformities such as plagiocephaly , brachycephaly or scaphocephaly .

For more information on therapies for treatment , the extensive professional experience of our team (more than 35 years), or any information about cranial malformations , do not hesitate to contact our centers .

The following link, we present information on how to evaluate if your baby has plagiocephaly , or another cranial malformation.

Need help? Feel free to contact us to find out more about what causes craniosynostosis.



Dr. Joan Pinyot Garròs (en adelante, “European Craniofacial Medical Center”)


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Dr. Joan Pinyot Garròs (en adelante, “European Craniofacial Medical Center”)


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